Friday, June 17, 2016

Last Glow of the Day

I saw a picture of a sunset that inspired me. You could hardly see the lower part of the sunset. Artistic license  to the rescue . I changed the reference removed some trees and shrubs leaving enough to boarder the sunset with trees.

I need to work on my photography skills a bit the picture is off a bit the yellow is brighter .

This is a soft pastel 11 X 15 on a grey Stonehenge paper 100% cotton .  I used mostly  Schminckie  and Blick soft pastels with some pastel pencils.

Thank you for looking hope you enjoyed it.

Monday, June 6, 2016

High Mountain view

I was looking for some ideas to try . I saw this scene with this sky and  a road with jeeps and people . I really liked the sky distant hills but the jeep and road had to go.Omitted road jeeps added some trees . I enjoyed it and its pretty.

 The left is darker than actual . 

This is soft pastels  on Strathmore 400 paper 9 X 12  I used mostly Schminckie  soft pastels with some pastel pencils for grass

Thanks for looking.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull is next in my series of famous,notable  and important Native Americans .

Sitting Bulls, Indian name was  Tatanka Iyotake.  Sitting Bull was born  into the Hunkpapa of the Teton Sioux.1830 -1831, in the Dakota Territory in the blackhills and died on December 15, 1890, on the Grand River in South Dakota

He was a  Teton Dakota Indian chief  and Holy man who united  the Sioux tribes  in their struggle for survival . He held a lifelong distrust of white men and  stubbornly determination to resist their domination. Sitting Bull joined his first war party at age 14 and soon gained a reputation for fearlessness in battle. He fought many battles beat George Custer but in the end he was forced to surrender. 

There was a Ghost Dance Movement  that started in the southwest spread to the Black hills  . Sitting Bull allowed this religious movement in his area. This Ghost Dance Movement  worried the Calvary BIA agents. They sent lawmen to arrest Sitting Bull in hopes of preventing an uprising . When Sitting Bull was about to be arrested braves loyal to Sitting Bull protested a fight ensued . Strange as it seems  Sitting Bull Died by the hands of a natives of his own tribe who were working for the government..

Now back to my art. I felt most  references showed Sitting Bull as a Defiant adversary to the white man and his world.  I softened the expression to what I would expect if he was addressing his tribe or family.  For some reason my lighting was off when photographing this on just a tad dark on the top and lower right .

This is graphite on 10 X 15 warm white Stonehenge paper 100% cotton.   Hope you enjoy looking at it I enjoyed doing it.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Mini Shiprock

This is an acrylic painted on a 4"X4"  on primed hardboard.   Shiprock has always been one of the formations I really like. I believe I am going to do some more of these small sizes. I ordered them in to try. I like how the minis come out .  Most paintings view range is 6 ' or greater these look good on a desk 2'-3 '  from the viewer.

Hope you enjoyed viewing it.