I had several names thought up like "My Pasture","What Part of Run Dont
You Understand" "Go Ahead and Make My Day "or " This is " My Field " . Going to leave it as is
for now. but starting to like "What Part of Run Dont You Understand"
better. What you think? Which One?
I tried to use color, light and dark to tell a story. A dark stormy sky adds drama a bull about to charge. I had a hard time finding a reference to work from. I wanted a longhorn about to charge facing viewer pawing or other threatening poses. This is a frankenstein reference 4 bulls to the stance body language nostrils eyes and the color.
Longhorn fans this one is right up your ally . I had a wild animal in pastels theme going. But some suggestions spurred this to life.
This is a pastel done on Stonehenge paper natural white its 15x22 . This
is done with Schminke, Art Spectrum Sennelier ,and Blicks soft pastels.
With Nupastes and pastel pencils .