Saturday, September 27, 2014

Prong Horn

I Did this fellow right after the buffalo.   Just  got around to photograph my newer works.

Lets bounce this is the split second after he sees you and before he bounces of into the distance the next thing you see is his back side getting smaller into the distance.  Actually they are a relative of goats.

They are native in the western Untied States grass lands, high desert, and steppes of the mountains . Open plains they call home their eyesight and speed make them challenge to any predator.

This is a pastel done on stonehenge paper natural white its 15x22 . This is done with Schminke,Art spectrum Sennelier ,and Blicks soft pastels.  With Nupastes and pastel pencils  .

Hope you enjoyed viewing it.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bovine of the Prairie

I had a old photo of a Buffalo at top of a ridge with trees silo barn  windmill fence ect. Thought it ruined it cropped it out .  I like this better .

Side note 1492 60 million of these , some herds were in the millions. By 1890 780 were left alive.

This is a pastel soft pastels with hard and some  pastel pencils on 15 x 22 stonehenge  paper .  Have a stack of sheets and pieces from pencil drawings. I like how it handles pastels.

As happy as I am with this I am going to do a few more in this style with other American wild life. 

Thanks for looking